Week 19- Wonderful Problems to have….

This week has went by so quickly that it is all just one big blur. I have lots of problems to deal with and a long to do list that has me busy daily. Some of the thoughts that currently preoccupy my mind are concerned with preparing all relevant documents for new staff such as contracts and job specifications. Then my mind drifts thinking about which learning concept should be covered and the necessary resources needed for our pre-schoolers. Then I wonder if I should open the daycare earlier than planned based on the number of calls daily requesting information about this service.

Then it came to me in one of my infamous ‘Ah HA Moments’!

wonderful problems

Five months ago I would have been anxious to actually find a suitable location for the school now I have that sorted and I have nothing less than wonderful so called problems. What a difference this course has made to my life….I am truly grateful.

I am spending time this week catching up with my weekly webniars and requirements. This is a perfect time to do so as we do not have a scheduled webinar this week.

In the master key reading this week Hannel first mentions that”fear is a powerful form of thought. It paralyzes the nerve centers, thus affecting the circulation of blood…..of course the way to overcome fear is to become conscious of power.”

I reflected on this for a while because people sometimes think to start a new venture or pursue a goal you must become fearless. But to be honest fear will always be there, however you will get better and better at diminishing the effect to which fear has on you. The exercises that we have been exposed to throughout this course has been instrumental in assisting in minimizing the effects of fear. I personally love the flashing of the index cards and my morning sits.

Loving this journey more and more.